Looking for spare parts? We have an extensive range of spare parts for all makes and models, including points and sweeps. And If we don’t have it we will find it so you don’t lose valuable time in the sprayer.
Wimmera Mallee Ag stock a large range of used farm machinery and equipment to service your needs. Explore farm machinery and equipment from brands including Hardi, Walker Mowers, Bobcat Mowers and Grainline Augers. We also have talented staff with years of experience on hand to service and repair all makes and models.
Increase the life of your ground engaging tools with a tungsten coating available in store. Tungsten Coating Overlay provides an extremely durable, abrasion resistant surface on all types of ground engaging tools. Tungsten Coating allows you to experience the hardness of tungsten without the brittleness that is associated with traditional brazed tungsten.